From the Heart of Europe to the Middle Kingdom. Three Historical Eras in the „Chinese Trade” of Czech and Czechoslovak Companies.

SKŘIVAN, Aleš, From the Heart of Europe to the Middle Kingdom. Three Historical Eras in the „Chinese Trade” of Czech and Czechoslovak Companies, 1. vyd. Hamburg : DOBU Verlag, 2016. 408 s. ISBN 978-3-9346-3250-9.
This book examines the Sino-(Czech)Czechoslovak economic relations in three different eras. It begins with the final years of Austria-Hungary’s existence, which approximately coincides with the last stage of the imperial regime in China. The second part covers the period between the world wars, a democratic era in Czechoslovak history and rather chaotic years in the Republic of China. The third section is primarily devoted to the period during which communist regimes were in power in Czechoslovakia and in the People’s Republic of China. The scholar primarily focused on exports to China, while other economic and political aspects are covered only in connection with the development of Czech (Czechoslovak) deliveries to the Chinese market.


  • Autor: Klára Fabianková
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