Master’s Program Major
Modern Economic History
(valid from winter semester 2020/2021, most courses instructed in Czech language)
Aims of the study and a graduate profile
The main aim of the master’s degree program (major) “Modern Economic History” is to prepare and educate professionally qualified economists who will have a deeper knowledge of economics and economic history in the broader context of important economic processes and events of the 20th century with an emphasis on selected significant economies. The advantage of the study is the synergy among teaching economic and humanities disciplines, which creates a good precondition for the interdisciplinarity of the study program. Students will get acquainted with the relevant contexts, specifics and phenomena of the previous period (19th century) and the real economic development at the beginning of the 21st century, as well as the interpretation of economic history in the broader context of political development. The economic framework of the major is provided mainly by advanced courses in macroeconomics and microeconomics. The graduate will be able to explain the main trends in economic development of key countries, be familiar with modern economic theories or interpret economic indicators in the context of long-term development trends.
The graduate will acquire a broad general overview and at the same time will be able to work independently within an individual specialization. High quality of education is guaranteed by a teaching staff composed of leading experts with experience in teaching at universities in the Czech Republic; they belong to the top researchers in the fields and gained knowledge and experience in leading European and world workplaces (Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Bayreuth, Universität Passau, Karl -Ruprecht University of Heidelberg, University of Hamburg, University of Tübingen, University of Vienna, University of Leipzig, University of Arkansas, University of New Orleans, etc.). The program also offers thematically profiled courses in English and also supports students who travel abroad for a study stay or internship. The aim is also to involve students in selected student competitions.
The main areas of a graduate profile
- world and Czech / Czechoslovak economic and political history (economic history of the world, the Czech economic history, economic history of the U.S. and the Far East in the 20th century),
- economics (macroeconomics, microeconomics, economics of state intervention and international trade, history of economic thought, comparison of economic systems, economic policy),
- political science (international relations history, history of European integration, political system).
The main profile of a graduate occupation
A graduate of master’s program with major “Modern Economic History” will be ready to perform all occupations requiring a university degree in humanities, in particular historical, economic or relative orientation. They will acquire a theoretical background, be able to analyze and interpret selected issues in a broader context. The graduate will be able to analyze current economic processes, trends or concepts and specifics of economic policy in selected countries, which will allow them to create economic policy recommendations and predict their future development. Their knowledge can be applied in private and public sector. They may work in government, academia, research institutes, nonprofit organizations, massmedia or diplomacy. Generally, a graduate will get great experience and knowledge, which will enable him / her to run for executive and managerial positions in international institutions (for example in the EU), banking sector or governmentally-owned companies.
Conditions: Completed bachelor study. The admission procedure follows the standards of the admission procedure at the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business. Information on the follow-up master’s study and admission procedure can be found on the website of the Faculty of Economics here. The study obeys the conditions of the valid Study and Examination Regulations of the Prague University of Economics and Business, the content of the Study Manual of Faculty of Economics and other relevant regulations.
Capacity: not limited.
Recommended length of study: 4 semesters.
- 5EN401 Microeconomics II (4/0, 6 ECTS)
- 5EN403 Macroeconomics II (4/0, 6 ECTS)
- 5HD403 Genesis, current problems, and future of European integration (2/0, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD404 Czechoslovak economic history (1918-1992) (4/0, 6 ECTS)
- 5HP405 Transformation processes in the Czech economy (2/0, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD408 Economic and political history of the world in 19th and 20th centuries (2/2, 6 ECTS)
- 5HD414 Economic development of the Far East after 1945 (0/2, E CTS)
- 5HD415 Economic development of the U.S. after 1945 (2/0)
- 5HP343 Executives’ perspective on industrial organization and public sector (2/0, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD500 Diploma thesis project (0/2, 4 ECTS)
- 5HP501 Macroeconomic analysis (2/0, 6 ECTS)
- 5HP502 Economic policy decision making (2/0, 4 ECTS)
Elective courses (in total 14 ECTS credits):
- 5HD213 The history of the international relations of the 19th and 20th centuries (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD291 European integration: historical context and current development (0/2, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD312 U.S. economic history to 1945 (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD320 Economic and social history of Central Europe in the 20th century (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD336 Economic and political history of totalitarian regimes (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD337 Economic and political development of the Far East in the 20th century (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD347 History of Great Britain since 1945 (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- 5HD381 Chapters in economic history (extrasemestral course, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD396 America from Independence to 2020: Special Topics in U.S. Economic History (0/2, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD413 Economic aspects of international relations (0/2, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD416 Economic and political development of Europe in the 20th century (2/0, 4 ECTS)
- 5HD426 The history of financial categories and institutions (2/0, 3 ECTS)
- and others.
The state exam consists of compulsory courses, especially courses 5HD403, 5HD404, 5HD408, 5HD414, 5HD415, and it provides 3 ECTS credits. In order to process the diploma thesis, students of the major have to be enrolled in 5HP500 Diploma thesis project. Theses from students from other faculties will be processed individually.
Economic and Political History of the 20th Century
Master’s program major
(valid until summer semester 2019/2020, most courses instructed in Czech language)
The main objective of the major “Economic and political history of the 20th century” is to prepare and educate university-educated and professionally qualified economists with a focus on economic and political history of the 20thcentury who will have knowledge of economics, history, political science and sociology. The advantage of study at the University of Economics is the integration of economic studies and humanities disciplines, which creates a good prerequisite for interdisciplinary study. A graduate will acquire broad general knowledge and also be capable of independent scientific work in different fields. Experienced teaching staff, composed of leading professionals with experience in teaching at public universities in the Czech Republic and scientific leaders in their fields and gaining knowledge and experience at leading European and world workplaces in history and economics (Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Bayreuth, Universität Passau, Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg, University of Hamburg, University of Tübingen, University of Vienna, Cambridge University, University of Arkansas, University of New Orleans, etc.) will provide a guarantee of major quality. The major offers thematically-profiled courses in the English language and also supports students travelling abroad in order to study or to become an intern within their field of study. Another aim is to involve students in selected professional competitions.
The main areas of a graduate profile
- world and Czech / Czechoslovak economic and political history (economic history of the world, the Czech economic history, economic history of the U.S. and the Far East in the 20th century,
- history of European integration, the history of international relations),economics (macroeconomics, microeconomics, economics of state intervention and international trade, history of economic thought, comparison of economic systems, economic policy),
- political science (international relations history, history of European integration, political system), sociology (social history, social theory).
The main profile of a graduate occupation
A graduate of master’s program with major “Economic and Political History of the 20th century” will be ready to perform all occupations requiring a university degree in humanities, in particular historical, economic or relative orientation. He / she will acquire a theoretical background, be able to analyze and interpret selected issues in a broader context. His / her knowledge can be applied in private and public sector. A graduate can work as an expert in historical and economic research institutes, archives, museums, can be further utilized in a wide range of cultural institutions in publishing as an editor, thematically-profiled journalist or reporter in the mass media, professional guide, as a clerk in a government, politician, and diplomat. He /she may also work in the nonprofit organizations – in foundations and civil associations. Generally, a graduate will get a lot of experience and knowledge which will enable him / her to run for executive and managerial positions in international institutions, banking sector or governmentally-owned companies.
Enrollment meets the standards of enrollment for the Faculty of Economics. The number of enrolled students is not limited.
Compulsory courses (in total of 51 ECTS credits):
- 5EN401 Microeconomics II (2/2)
- 5EN403 Macroeconomics II (2/2)
- 5EN455 International trade: theory and policy (2/0)
- 5HD406 Contemporary discourse of economic and political history (0/2)
- 5HD507 Heuristics and creation of professional text (0/2)
- 5HD404 Czechoslovak economic history from 1918 to 1992 (4/0)
- 5HD408 Economic and political history of the world in 19th and 20th centuries (2/2)
- 5HD301 Social history (2/2)
- 5HD414 Economic development of the Far East after 1945 (0/2)
- 5HD415 Economic development of the U.S. after 1945 (2/0)
- 5HD213 History of international relations in the 19th and 20th centuries (2/0) substituted by 5HD409 History of international relations to 1945 (0/2) (from summer semester 2013/2014)
Elective courses:
- 5HD226 History of the twentieth century I (2/4)
- 5HD227 History of the twentieth century II (2/4)
- 5HD312 U.S. economic history to 1945 (2/3)
- 5HD320 Economic and social history of Central Europe in the 20th century (2/3)
- 5HD327 Economics and history in film and fiction (4/5)
- 5HD336 Economic and political history of totalitarian regimes (2/3)
- 5HD337 Economic and political development of the Far East in the 20th century (2/3)
- 5HD375 History of Latin America to 1945 (2/3)
- 5HD381 Chapters in economic history (special course)
- 5HD403 Genesis, current problems and future of European integration (2/3)
- 5HD416 Economic and political development of Europe in the 20th Century (2/4)
- and others.